This is the same view with placemarkers drawn in: the green cross is the GPS peak of Blackhead, which is the point where the photo is inserted. The red cross is the camera position (with compass and XYZ directions drawn in), and the pink cross is the peak of Black Dome mountain. There enlies the problem-
This is a side view of the whole thing, looking North. The red cross is still the camera, and the white line is where it's looking. Black Dome is behind the camera, but somehow the camera still sees it. I think this has to do with the ortho() function, again because the perspective on the path is not quite right. I've tried adjusting the clipping planes, but that doesn't change the perspective, only what renders and what doesn't render. So how the camera is seeing behind itself, I don't know...
But this is what it looks like with the "standard" perspective:
And this is where I think the trail should be: