Unfortunately, those bags happened to contain the director's laptop and personal effects, the cinematographer's Canon 7D, $3,000 worth of rented lenses, and associated support gear (which is not cheap), two Moon props, and all of the associated electronics. And a duffel bag full of my clothes. And my hammock.
I am kind of at a loss for words... but at least my stuff is replaceable. While it took roughly 1.5 months to develop the Moon hardware, it only took a few days to build it once I got it all figured out. And there are certainly improvements to be made for Version 2.0.
But if anyone knows a way to track a missing laptop (MAC address? anything?), or a seedy pawn shop in Brooklyn where nice cameras and MacBooks sometimes turn up, my friends would be much obliged.
In the mean time, one more picture of v1.0. This was the first LED puck light that I "hacked" apart... and it kind of shows. It wound up being the base of the Lunar Lander... note the blue smudges around the screws. I bet you've never seen someone use LocTite on an Erector Set before. I think for v2.0, I might spec my own LEDs. Forget vomit green Home Depot lights– v2.0 will actually be color correct 5600K.
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